Every day brings more head-shaking developments for those of us who believe that turning back the clock to "Make America Great Again" is not only counter-productive but disgraceful. This isn't just about promoting one political party over the other. This is about the future of freedom, democracy, and a strong, unified nation. We are, after all, supposed to be the United States of America.
During the years I worked on Capitol Hill introducing groups of inquiring people to policy-makers, researchers, think-tankers, journalists, lobbyists and other advocates, and activists in my role directing the work of a seminar program I met scores of people representing various viewpoints. Some from opposing sides were compelling, some were clearly partisan, some were inspiring, and some were downright offensive, but that's who we are as a people. And together we can "move the ball forward," as the phrase goes, each contributing his or her insights, wisdom, and experiences. Together, we craft our shared life into something reflective of the vision of our Revolutionary Founders.
At least, that's how it's supposed to work, and how I believe the RF intended for it to work. Lately, though, it's not working, and it's getting worse all the time.
Here's a question to ponder: What is the "greatness" of America that needs restoring? Perhaps the underlying question relates to what "un-did" this "greatness."
To me, it's all about power and wealth. Those who have them always fear losing them. Those who don't have them, seek them. This presents a clash that lately has taken on, let's say, "biblical" proportions.
As women, ethnic minorities and others who are not White, male, and heterosexual find their voices and make strides in the power/wealth struggle those at the top of the heap (mainly White male heterosexuals) do whatever they can to counteract, even tamp down those who begin to slip the shackles that hold them back from the abundant life intended by God for all of Creation. (Ah, now we're starting to get to the biblical proportions of our little exercise)
We live in times that include the fomenting of suspicion and fear of Muslims. We live in times that include reactionary attempts to prevent certain immigrants from becoming part of our immigrant-based populace. We live in times that include a "shoot first and take names later" mentality when it comes to African-Americans (or to call the police when African-Americans engage in common, ordinary activities. just because they're black). We live in times that include efforts to take away women's ability to control their own bodies and health. We live in times that include "Christians" discriminating against LGBTQ folks because their "lifestyle" violates the religious liberties of said "Christians." We live in times when guns, and campaign contributions from the NRA, are more precious than the lives of our fellow citizens and their children. We live in times that include admiration for dictators and despots while giving the finger to our democracy-practicing allies. You can fill in the rest. It can get depressing to enumerate what we wake up to every day.
Today's example is Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcing the establishment of a "Religious Liberty Task Force."
Sessions, who already is in trouble with his own church, the United Methodists, stated that “we have gotten to the point where courts have held that morality cannot be a basis for law; where ministers are fearful to affirm, as they understand it, holy writ from the pulpit; and where one group can actively target religious groups by labeling them a ‘hate group’ on the basis of their sincerely held religious beliefs”
Sessions claimed all religions would be protected against discrimination. He also quoted The Boss, who said, "We'll be saying 'Merry Christmas' again." Personally, I have no confidence that this Task Force will be a positive, life-affirming endeavor.
I take issue with Sessions' claim that "ministers are fearful to affirm, as they understand it, holy writ from the pulpit." First of all, if the "ministers" to whom he refers preach a message of oppressing those who are different, they DO NOT understand "holy writ." And certainly, there are far too many ignoramus preachers seeking a wider following by showing how much judgment and wrath they can heap on people seen as "less than" in various ways.
"Hate group" is a valid description of such groups headed by those with these "sincerely held religious beliefs." I have no doubt as to the sincerity of these beliefs. Unfortunately, the only underpinnings they have are those related to self-service and power-seeking. The Bible constantly is twisted to justify one's prejudices.
There is nothing wrong with wishing someone "Happy Holidays," especially if you do or do not know whether that person celebrates differently from you. And, no one is stopping anyone from saying, "Merry Christmas." The only inhibitor to that is respect for the dignity of another person's traditions. If the Task Force seeks to codify "Merry Christmas," it defeats its own stated goals.
Why do we put up with all of this?
I wrote to my senators and representative expressing my disgust with the direction of our nation, but, of the two who responded, one simply disagreed and the other sent a letter about something else entirely. No surprise here, given who these guys are, but I didn't want to not be on record about what I see as a destructive manipulation of our common future.
Maybe some want to go back to "the good old days." Life was simpler. There weren't so many complications. It was Great!
Unless you weren't White, male, "Christian," heterosexual, observed diverse traditions, or otherwise were excluded from the dominant culture.
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