Monday, August 23, 2021




If you are symptomatic of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, this may not be the dissertation for you.  Such indications may lead to the postulation of incomprehensibilities, contingent on whether or not you accurately twig the eventualities of such linguistic meanderings.

The pondering of the query, “Why is abbreviation such a lengthy written expression given its connotation?” has flummoxed morphological intellectuals since chisels initially penetrated the fasciae of stone tablets.

Why articulate a conception with outsized manifestations when more diminutive ones suffice?

Perchance it is portentousness or verbal grandiosity.  Analagously, etymological histrionics conceivably divulge the practitioner’s diffidence. Such is to be pitied.

Conversely, an archipeligo of bewildering stipulations lend themselves to facilitating the interests of one contingent over another in contractual negotiations.  Habitually, the imploration is, “Unadorned English, please!”

Nevertheless, vernacular can be exploited as a contrivance of duplicity, coercion, and in a constructive signification, elucidation.

The verity of the subject at hand, nonetheless, is that the antecedent treatise purely is a paradigm of language manipulated in a modus implying floccinaucinihilipilification.